“Non-racist is rooted in a colorblind …

“Non-racist is rooted in a colorblind mindset,” she said. “Non-racist means that, ‘I don’t see race, I just see people.’ (Or), ‘I’m so sorry that happened, I’m offering you thoughts and prayers.’ It is situated in a disposition that perhaps has good intentions, to do no harm to others and to wish good to your fellow human being, however it is not action oriented and it allows one to not see the racial inequities that are rooted in systems. So, anti-racist, on the other hand insists upon seeing race. Anti-racist also takes an affirmative position that it is against that racism. It situates one to ask yourselves, ‘What is it within my power, what can I do, to identify and name these places, these mechanisms of racial inequality?’ And then, ‘What is within my power to do something about that?’ That is an anti-racist stance.”