Nikola Vucevic: ‘Never will I ever have any bad feelings toward Orlando’

That’s why Orlando and the Magic will always hold a special place in his heart. Not only did the city and organization raise him, but when it was time to leave the nest it was on his terms in a business where players are often treated more like commodities rather than family. “Yeah, it wasn’t a situation where they traded me out of nowhere,’’ Vucevic said of the deal that sent him from the only NBA home he really knew to the Bulls last season. “It was something that we discussed a lot and it was mutually agreed. It wasn’t a situation where they told me I wasn’t going to get traded, and then I get traded. A lot of it came from my communication with them, so it wasn’t a surprise for me. “Never will I ever have any bad feelings toward Orlando. It will always be positive. It was time for the team to go in a different direction. It was time for something new to happen. It wasn’t working the way we wanted it, and I think it worked out for both parties in the end.’’