Nick Saban explains Alabama’s disastrous final play in the Rose Bowl (and why it went wrong)

Alabama had the ball at the goal line in overtime. How’d it go wrong?

College football fans are so used to hearing Nick Saban get asked about his winning play calls on the sport’s biggest stage that it’s jarring when he has to explain spectacular failures.

Monday night after the Rose Bowl was one of those rare moments.

With Alabama facing fourth-and-goal to send its College Football Playoff semifinal against Michigan to a second overtime, the Crimson Tide ended up running quarterback Jalen Milroe straight into Michigan’s defensive line where he was stopped well short of the end zone.

It was a baffling scene in real time and most fans couldn’t believe the play call in that situation.

So what happened? Or rather, what was supposed to happen? Here’s how Saban broke it down.

Per Saban:

The reality is the play got blown up pretty quickly, and it’s super easy to second-guess once that happens. At least fans now have a bit more insight into how the Tide ended up going with that call — and given they were playing in overtime, there’s a pretty good chance that play was going to be used at some point regardless.

But Alabama didn’t execute it properly, and Michigan was able to get to Milroe before he turned a broken play into another heroic highlight.