NFL teams to begin bidding on hosting NFL Combine

NFL teams to begin bidding on hosting NFL Combine

The South Florida region has long been considered a prime destination for the biggest game in football — Miami’s hosting of Super Bowls is frequent and figures to continue to be a staple of the league’s rotation thanks to owner Stephen Ross’ latest renovations to Hard Rock Stadium. But there’s about to be a new show in town for NFL franchises starting in 2023 — one that will undoubtedly catch the eye of the Dolphins’ brass in their bid to continue being a prominent NFL destination:

The NFL Combine.

The news was released yesterday that NFL franchises will be afforded the opportunity to bid to host the NFL draft’s biggest stop along the path to professional football. And there are few teams that have a home destination that will move the needle more than Miami for such an event. Los Angeles and Las Vegas figure to be prominent contenders. But Miami should be considered equals in a bid to host the Combine,

“The League, in concert with the Combine Executive Committee, is considering ways to grow the Combine as a tentpole event, while at the same time enhancing the prospect experience and partnership,” read a memo to all 32 teams informing them of the change.

Few NFL destinations offer the experience of South Florida. The immediate turnaround time for making a final decision on the Combine and, just as importantly, how that process will change the experience of NFL draft prospects who are effectively there on a job interview is yet to be determined. But as the NFL aspires to be a league with no offseason at all, expect this to materialize in time for the 2023 Combine, as hoped for.

Enjoy your final time around, Indianapolis. The midwest in February and early March is a tough sell — so one would have to assume the Combine is headed somewhere warm instead. South Florida might not be a bad place to start.