NFC South roundtable: What are the realistic expectations for each team in 2023?

In the first installment of a 10-part series, our NFC South managing editors set their expectations for each of the division’s teams in 2023.

The NFC South returned to its 2014 form this past season. (For those who aren’t exactly acquainted with the “NFSW South,” yeah, it’s not good.)

An 8-9 record, one mustered up by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, was good enough to take the division’s 2022 crown. Behind them were the Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints and Atlanta Falcons—all of whom finished at 7-10.

So, will this year be different? Join us in our Wire Network roundtable—featuring managing editors Matt Urben (Falcons Wire), John Sigler (Saints Wire) and River Wells (Bucs Wire)—as we set our realistic expectations for each team in 2023.