NCAA Discusses Potential Football Rule Changes

The NCAA met yesterday and discussed multiple rule changes for collegiate football.

The NCAA has been proposed a few rule changes, as they met yesterday in Indianapolis to discuss changes to the game. There were many topics that were discussed, but the biggest one has to do with players faking injuries to stop offenses while they are going up-tempo. The change would involve players having to sit out more than one play after injury, but at the current moment the coaches have to police their players.

A rule that also was discussed is the fact that the referees only have an hour prior to kick off to enforce rules during pregame warm-ups. Multiple times we have been teams scuffle prior to the officials being on the field with no punishment. The new rule would give official’s jurisdiction 90 minutes prior, hopefully stopping pre-game issues between teams.

Another proposed change would involve targeting and how the “walk of shame” would be eliminated. If a player was to be ejected for targeting under the potential new rule, the player would not have to be escorted off the field, they would be able to continue to stay with their team but on the bench.

Many of these probable rules make plenty of sense, especially the faking of injuries to slow the game down. These rules would clearly impact the game, but it doesn’t seem like a negative impact would accompany any of them. Which rules would you like to see changed or kept the same?