NCAA committee approves college football preseason practice schedule

the NCAA committee approved a 6 week plan that would allow football activities such as training camp and practices to resume in mid-July.

On Thursday, the NCAA committee approved a 6 week plan that would allow football activities such as training camp and practices to resume in mid-July.

This is HUGE news for college football fans who are hopeful for a football season this fall.

Here are the rules of the 6 week plan provided by the NCAA:

If schools are scheduled to have their first game on September 5th, then those programs can hold mandatory film study, conditioning, and weight training (limit of 8 hours per week, and no more than two of those hours can be used for film) from July 13-23.

Then, from July 24-Aug. 6, teams can participate up to 20 hours per week (no more than 4 hours per day) on “countable athletically related activities,” which can include 8 hours of conditioning and weight training, 6 hours of walk- throughs with a football,  and 6 hours of meetings such as film study, position meetings, and so on.

The NCAA also notes that during those two weeks, players are required to have at least two days off.

And then finally, starting August 7th, practices may begin.

The NCAA explains that, “The model does not make any adjustments to the legislated 29-day preseason practice period.  In  the previous example, the school’s preseason practice period would begin Aug. 7 with a five-day acclimatization period, followed by the opportunity for up to 25 on-field practices. ”

Shane Lions who is the chair of the committee and director of athletics at West Virginia shared this statement:

“Given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across the country, we believe this model provides institutions and their student-athletes flexibility to prepare for the upcoming season.”

Although the situation regarding the coronavirus has been less than ideal up to this point, this is truly a fantastic resolution to help teams prepare for the upcoming season.

And if anything, this brings hopes to college football fans all over the country that maybe, just maybe, there will indeed be a season this fall.

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