NBA Reddit: The funniest threads in a world without basketball

Pray for NBA Reddit.

Look, fam. We all miss sports. The world is pretty boring right now without them.

We understand that they’re gone for now for good reason — we have to social distance to do our part in getting coronavirus out of here. But, man, do we miss our sports.

You know who misses sports the most? NBA Reddit. They are literally losing their minds right now without basketball to watch.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Reddit has always been the kookiest place on the internet. If you’re looking for good conspiracy content and deep dives on the most irrelevant details on the strangest things, you go to reddit. So it’s only natural that NBA Reddit would be weird — even with basketball.

But without it? People are LOSING IT. And it’s getting worse by the day.

Y’all. Somebody asked if an owner could *theoretically* circumvent the salary cap by MARRYING a player.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Someone asked if Zion Williamson would be as hyped if he had the name HERBERT BARTHOLOMEW. What?

It’s all just unraveling quickly. So quickly.


To be fair, it hasn’t been all, uh, super crazy. Some of it has been just mildly crazy. Someone said that Zion Williamson looks like Toothless the dragon from the Disney movie How to train a Dragon and, uh, maybe?

Someone also gave some pretty good social distancing tips by using NBA defense against Ben Simmons as an example.

These are tough times for all of us, but none of us are going through it like NBA Reddit is. Their minds are churning at 3,000 miles a minute and they aren’t stopping anytime soon.

Please, Basketball Gods. If there’s ANYTHING you can do to stop this madness, do it. If not for all of us, then just for the sanity of NBA Reddit.

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