NBA includes Boston Celtics in 2022-23 wildest endings video compilation

One tilt, in particular, was a contest that pitted the two teams left standing for the 2022 NBA Finals.

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The Boston Celtics were no strangers to clutch moments to close games in the NBA’s 2022-23 season, with a host of regular-season contests coming down to the wire and leaving fans of the storied franchise sweating a bit in the arena or at home.

One tilt, in particular, was a contest that pitted the two teams left standing for the 2022 NBA Finals just a few months prior, the Celtics and the Golden State Warriors. The two teams traded punches throughout regulation only to see the game go to an extra period, with the two coastal foes taking it down to the wire yet again.

To see how that ended (start at just under the 30-minute mark for Boston) plus a slew of other clutch endings from last season put together by the league for its official YouTube channel, take a look at the clip embedded below.

Listen to the “Celtics Lab” podcast on:

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