NBA G League season expected to be canceled, players to be paid through end of schedule

While the NBA’s season remains in limbo, the G League season looks set to be canceled with one month left on the schedule.

In a particularly cruel twist of fate to LiAngelo Ball, ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski and Malika Andrews reported on Sunday that the G League season would likely be canceled.

The league postponed its season indefinitely, along with the NBA, on Wednesday following the positive test result for the coronavirus from Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert. Unlike the NBA, though, the G League is not a profitable venture and, given the expected long wait until any sports league resumes, canceling the season was viewed as the best option moving forward.

While the news is damning for all parties involved, it’s particularly frustrating for Ball. After earning his way onto the OKC Blue G League roster as serving as a practice player for two months, Ball’s official G League career lasted all of one game in which he did not play in on Wednesday.

It’s yet another setback for Ball’s professional career. Not only will the G League season be canceled but the Summer League, another area Ball could have likely made an impression on future teams, will be severely postponed or even potentially canceled as well given the uncertainty of when the league will return.

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