NBA fans shamed Sixers owner Josh Harris into scrapping staff salary reductions

That was quick.

The global coronavirus pandemic has hit the sports world hard. Games have stopped worldwide with no immediate return in sight. It has also meant plenty of financial uncertainty for employees of teams and arenas who work hourly wages for *much* less money than the athletes.

While several NBA teams and players have pledged to take care of those hourly arena workers, Philadelphia 76ers managing partner Josh Harris initially planned salary reductions across the organization. Harris, who has a reported net worth of $3.7 billion, wanted to force at-will employees (making at least $50,000 in salary) to take a 20 percent pay reduction. He also wanted front office and coaching staff members to volunteer to the pay reduction.

Again, given Harris’ immense wealth, NBA fans were furious with Harris and the Sixers ownership. The negative response was so widespread that Harris trended on Twitter for much of Tuesday, especially after Joel Embiid stepped up to pledge $500,000 to help Sixers employees.

The PR disaster and public shaming actually worked here as the Sixers changed their mind on the salary reductions by Tuesday afternoon. They called it the “wrong decision” in a statement to ESPN.

Harris had to know how it was going to end. They really never should have considered the salary reductions in the first place.

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