NBA fans react to the Bulls reportedly talking to former 76ers exec Bryan Colangelo

Yes, it’s THAT Colangelo. With the burner accounts.

Before today, it was pretty hard to fathom that Bryan Colangelo could potentially be an executive for an NBA team again. At least in the near future.

While he got some love for building the foundation for the 76ers and the whole “process,” he also traded up for Markelle Fultz who ended up…well…we still don’t really know. If that’s not enough for you, remember the whole thing about the burner account his wife supposedly set up? Yeah, this is that same guy.

Yet, somehow, here he is two years later being considered for a job again. Colangelo interviewed for the Chicago Bulls GM job after they reassigned former executives John Paxson and Gar Forman.

What a transition that would be for Bulls fans. Go from the guys who’ve turned your favorite team into a dumpster fire to the guy who has his own share of issues. Spectacular.

NBA Twitter, as it always does, had some pretty good jokes. Particularly about his collars. The a

The account that was supposedly a burner account for his wife got into it with a fan on Twitter after the fan said Colangelo’s collars were big. The response? “That is a normal collar. Move on. Find a new slant.”

So, of course, NBA Twitter took that and ran with it today.

And Bulls Twitter? Bulls Twitter was just sad. Poor, poor Bulls Twitter.

What a time. There are going to be so many jokes next season if the Bulls hire him. They probably won’t, but we can dream.