Nathaniel Hackett reacts to ‘legend’ Lewis Hamilton joining Broncos ownership

“Anytime you can have a winner of that caliber, it’s an honor just to be part of an organization that he’s in.”

Ownership in pro sports is not limited to business people — athletes such as Dwyane Wade, Michael Jordan, and Magic Johnson are minority or majority owners of professional franchises. And now superstar F1 driver Lewis Hamilton has decided to throw his hat into the athlete-owner ring, becoming a part of the new Denver Broncos ownership group led by Rob Walton.

Broncos head coach Nathaniel Hackett has expressed his enthusiasm for this new development.

“That’s pretty awesome… I was shocked,” Hackett said. “That’s a legend. Anytime you can have a winner of that caliber, it’s an honor just to be part of an organization that he’s in. It’s a great group that they put together. It really is. I can’t wait to get to know everybody and talk with them.”

While Hackett has stated he would love to meet and mingle with the F1 legend, he is aware enough to understand that this may not be the best time-especially with the season quickly approaching.

“Maybe after the season a little more because we have a lot going on. I’m really excited about it. It’s just great to have the energy. We’ve got Russell [Wilson], the group, the team and how they’re going. Then you also have the supporting cast around that brings so much knowledge and winning. It’s great.”

Hamilton, with this move, is ensuring his financial portfolio is in tip-top shape while also becoming a face for the Broncos, even when his racing career concludes.

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