Myles Garrett needs to be suspended for the rest of season for brutal attack on Mason Rudolph

Myles Garrett’s season should be over.

Thursday night’s Steelers-Browns game was winding down in the final seconds when all of the sudden all heck broke loose and one of the ugliest attacks we’ve seen in an NFL game happened as Cleveland’s Myles Garrett ripped off Mason Rudolph’s helmet and then slammed it into the QB’s head in one very violent action.

And that, right there, should be the last play of the season for the former No. 1 pick, as the NFL needs to immediately step in and lay a heavy suspension on Garrett for such a dangerous and hideous thing to do in an NFL game.

Garrett was tossed from the game and everyone watching was wondering what we just saw.

Check this out:

That could have done some serious harm to Rudolph, who is lucky he didn’t suffer a head injury in the fracas.

Baker Mayfield called Garrett’s actions inexcusable during the his postgame interview with Erin Andrews and said Garrett will likely be suspended because of it, which was a very honest and somber moment by the leader of the Browns.

Player safety has been a big issue for the NFL and nothing goes against that more than having a defensive lineman attacking a QB with his own helmet.

You gotta think the NFL won’t hesitate to do the right – and only – thing and suspend Garrett for the rest of the season, if not more.

Because this was a very bad moment for the league, a moment that played out on a national television and could have ended with a very serious injury.

Thankfully it didn’t but many people on Twitter agree – suspend him for the rest of the season.

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