Multiple Sixers give thoughts on coronavirus outbreak: ‘It’s scary’

The Philadelphia 76ers their thoughts on the coronavirus and the results of it.

The outbreak of COVID-19, or coronavirus for short, has made its presence known recently. There have been reported cases in different parts of the country and everybody is beginning to take precautions.

The Philadelphia 76ers recently held a team meeting while they were on the west coast to advise players to wash their hands more and to really be mindful and keep their guard up when interacting with fans.

“I know this, there are people that are educated and are employed to provide whatever information we’re all getting and far be it for me to question much,” said coach Brett Brown. “I’m just following the lead of people that are in the know and I concede that is a different course, for sure. Personally, I’m fascinated by the whole thing, but as it relates to our job in what we are able to do or not able to do, it hasn’t reached that stage like I feel like it’s impeding being able to prepare or coach yet.”

The NBA has thrown out the idea of playing games without fans being in attendance, which could hurt a team like the Sixers who lean on their fans for the support in games.

“It would a rough situation and not ideal by any stretch of the imagination,” said Brown. “If the people in the know felt like that was needed to provide the greatest level of safety, then that’s what we will do. Obviously, we hope it doesn’t get to that stage.”

For the players, and really the population in general, this can be a really stressful and scary time.

“It’s scary,” said Josh Richardson. “I’m praying for the victims of it and hoping for the best for those who have been affected directly and indirectly and that’s all I can really say about it. Just try to stay safe.”

What about from a player’s perspective of playing in an empty arena?

“It would definitely be weird,” said Shake Milton. “Hopefully it doesn’t get to that point, everybody likes playing in front of the fans, but I can’t even imagine what that would be like. Maybe like pickup? I don’t know how it would go.”

Richardson echoed Milton’s pickup statement.

“I hadn’t really thought about it, but that’s an interesting dynamic,” he added. “I think it would be very weird for a lot of guys because we’re used to playing in front of packed stadiums. I guess it would kind of be like a pickup game at that point. We might as well call our own fouls.”

Then there are some players with children and it can be a big thing for them to make sure they are healthy so they don’t bring it home.

“It’s definitely been different dealing with all of this,” said Al Horford. “It puts a lot of perspective on things and it really makes you aware of making sure you’re taking care of yourself better and trying to do better for people around you. It has been stressful at times. Being back east, it seems a little better. Out on the west, there was definitely more of an edge.”

Whatever happens, it is a very tense time right now as everybody prepares for what could happen eventually. It is all about protecting yourself and making sure the team is healthy for the playoffs.

“Everybody’s washing their hands more and making sure you stay on top of it, taking your vitamins,” Milton added. “At the end of the day, you’ve got to be healthy and you want to be healthy going into the playoffs.” [lawrence-related id=27430,27420,27413]