Mukuba: ‘It’s definitely an honor’

It was the first week for college football freshmen to make their presence known. With eight tackles and a breakup of one of J.T. Daniels’ passes, Clemson safety Andrew Mukuba had an outstanding performance against Georgia despite the overall …

It was the first week for college football freshmen to make their presence known. With eight tackles and a breakup of one of J.T. Daniels’ passes, Clemson safety Andrew Mukuba had an outstanding performance against Georgia despite the overall outcome.

Going all the way back to 1973, there hadn’t been a true freshman that had started for Clemson, that is until Mukuba came along. He attributed his work ethic as the reason why he was afforded the opportunity to play in such a high-caliber game.

Mukuba admitted Venables’ defense was a lot to learn, but it speaks to his work ethic when given the opportunity to play.

“I really think the defensive staff believes in me as a true freshman, throwing me out there in a big game like that,” he said. “It’s definitely an honor.”

Surrounded by numerous four- and five-star recruits in his freshman class, Mukuba found a way to stand out. Mukuba credited returning Clemson safety Nolan Turner for providing him with the edge he needed, and showed off in Saturday’s game.

“He helped me a lot,” Mukuba said. “I used to be in the film room with him almost every day just trying to pick his brain, and I feel like that’s what put me up there.”

Even with a performance like Mukuba had, when asked how he feels about his performance, he grades himself with a B-minus.

“There was some stuff I messed up on as far as alignment, there’s some stuff I could improve on,” he said.

On the other hand, he feels confident with his progression and understanding of Venables’ defense for the future, especially with linebacker James Skalski’s approval.

“Skalski’s the OG,” Mukuba said. “He’s seen a lot, and he’s like the leader of the defense. If he believes in me to be out there, that means a lot.”

Added Mukuba on the Georgia and Clemson defensive matchup: “As a defense, we played with discipline and did a lot of positive things. I’m pretty sure a lot of people expected it to be a high-scoring game. Both defenses showed up and had big plays.”

Though some thought Mukuba’s freshman year may be a time for him to work on skills and gain some size, he proved he’s worthy of the position. The season is looking bright for Mukuba.

Football season has finally arrived. Time to represent your Tigers and show your stripes!