Most surprising decisions made by Bills on roster cut-down weekend

A list of the Buffalo Bills’ most spurring moves made over the roster cut-down weekend.

Bills wide receiver Andre Roberts. (AP Photo/John Munson)

Cutting Andre Roberts

Most know how this story ends up, but that doesn’t make it any less surprising. In order to get their roster in order, the Bills circumvented the system a little bit (maybe). In an effort to keep wide receiver and returner Andre Roberts, the Bills cut the former All-Pro return man. Hoping he cleared the wavier wire, the Bills planned to immediately re-sign him once the club placed other guys on the injured reserve list, opening up roster spots.

Perhaps the Bills had some sort of contract incentives tossed out there to keep Roberts from signing with other teams because reportedly, there were a few that were interested and he turned them down in order to come back to Buffalo. The Bills showed some serious trust in the 31-year-old to come back, and that’s not to say he’s not a trustworthy guy or anything. We always hear the NFL is a business, right? That means it is for players too after all…