MMA Junkie Radio weekly live stream on SportsCastr with guest Megan Olivi

MMA Junkie Radio brings you a live streaming weekly show on SportsCastr to break down all the latest MMA news.

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MMA Junkie Radio brings you a live streaming weekly show on SportsCastr to break down all the latest MMA news.

MMA Junkie Radio hosts “Gorgeous” George and “Goze” will go live Wednesday at noon ET with streaming commentary and analysis via SportsCastr, where you can chat with the guys and ask questions.

This week, UFC analyst Megan Olivi will join the show. George and Goze also will recap the latest Dana White’s Contender Series winners and look at the latest news.

Be sure to check back and follow @MMAjunkie@MMAjunkieRadio and @SportsCastrLive on Twitter to be notified when the guys go live.