MLB fans had so many jokes after the Red Sox allowed a Little League home run on a grounder

It kept getting worse and worse.

There probably isn’t a play that can humble Major League teams more than a Little League home run. You have nine of the best baseball players in the world out in the field, and they manage to turn a simple play into a demoralizing embarrassment.

That’s never not funny.

Just a week after we saw the New York Yankees hand the Padres two runs on a series of defensive blunders, their AL East rival Boston Red Sox gave it a try on Sunday.

With the Red Sox already down two runs in the sixth inning, Yandy Diaz took advantage of the hit-and-run call and singled on a grounder through the gap on the right side of the infield. The Rays then saw that the Red Sox were slow to get the ball back into the infield, so they sent Manuel Margot who scored before a wide throw home.

Catcher Connor Wong, though, should’ve had Diaz out at second as Diaz slowed down to basically concede the out. But Wong’s throw was a disaster. The Red Sox catcher threw the ball straight into center field. Enrique Hernandez and Enmanuel Valdez could only watch as the ball rolled beyond all the outfielders — such a helpless feeling.

After all that, Diaz jogged into home easily with the Little League homer. Officially, it was scored a single, RBI and a *huge* error on Wong.

Fans also had jokes about the mess of a defensive display.