Mixed reactions as fish with human-like teeth is caught on pier

A fishing report from Jennette’s Pier in North Carolina on Tuesday included a photo of a “toothy” sheepshead that is making quite a splash on social media.

A fishing report from Jennette’s Pier in North Carolina on Tuesday included a photo of a “toothy” sheepshead that’s making quite a splash on social media.

That’s because a frontal view of the 9-pound sheepshead, caught by Nathan Martin, revealed a set of chompers that bear a strong resemblance to human teeth.

This is not out of the ordinary. Sheepshead, found in coastal waters throughout the western Atlantic, are known partially for the shape of their stubby front teeth.

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But such imagery is nonetheless eye-catching, especially to those not used to catching or viewing sheepshead.


Naturally, attempts at humor filled the comments section beneath one of the Jennette’s Pier Facebook posts.

“Better teeth than most of the fishermen trying to catch them,” one person remarked.

“This freaks me out,” reads another comment.

Another described the sight as “terrifying.”

But serious fishermen chimed in regarding the quality of Martin’s catch. “Baked sheepshead can’t be beaten,” stated one connoisseur.

One person explained that sheepshead “use those teeth to dine on barnacles on pilings” and added, “These fish are excellent eating.”

Sheepshead, which can measure about 30 inches, also feed on small crabs, clams, oysters, and clams.

Martin could not be reached for comment but Lynn Fox, a local who weighed the sheepshead for Martin, commented that Martin and his twin brother are regular anglers “and they always slay the fish.”

Fox said Martin caught the fish using a sand flea as bait.