Mike Francesa: Giants are the ‘height of incompetency’

Death, taxes and Mike Francesa ripping the New York Giants are the only sure things in life, and he’s at it again.

In recent days, WFAN’s Mike Francesa has continued his seemingly relentless and sour assault on the New York Giants, claiming the hire of Jason Garrett was a “big mistake” while also shredding the hire of Patrick Graham, who the host admits he knows nothing about.

Francesa clearly seems to be taking a page out of Colin Cowherd’s book, but I digress…

On Monday, Francesa kicked it up a notch, claiming the Giants organization is currently at the “height of incompetency” over their inability to turn things around like the San Francisco 49ers have.

“It’s very easy in this league to get from four to eight or nine wins,” Francesa said on ‘Mike’s On.’ “It’s the easiest thing to do and you almost have to be incompetent over a period of years drafting at the top of the draft, which the Giants now will be doing again, another year — the Giants, that it’s taken them this long, are the height of incompetency.

“Because in this league, this league is set up for you to go from four (wins) to nine (wins) in the snap of a finger. What it’s not set up for you to do is to go from four (wins) to 13. … The Giants languishing shows you just how inept they’ve been.”

Believing that any win in the NFL is “very easy” is ignorance at its finest, but there is some merit to what Francesa is trying to suggest. Unfortunately for him, he can’t seem to leave his salty feelings out of it and loses credibility as a result.

However, the Giants’ inability to turn things around since 2016 despite repeatedly selecting at the top of the draft is alarming, but multiple coaching and scheme changes have that sort of impact on an organization.

Consistency is essential in the NFL and the Giants have gotten away from that. Hopefully Joe Judge is the beginning of something more stable and the Giants are able to rediscover some level of consistency — similar to how they consistently avoid Francesa’s radio show.

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