Mike Florio rightly gets crushed for saying the 49ers should try to hit Mahomes late

“At a certain point you trade the risk of 15 yards if you can send a message.”

Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes has been absolutely ridiculous thus far in the playoffs and all of Kansas City is hoping that he can continue that type of play when they face the 49ers in Super Bowl 54.

How should a defense try to slow him down? Your guess is as good as mine, because right now it looks like he can’t be stopped.

But Mike Florio, the owner/founder of ProFootball Talk, offered his thoughts on how to defend Mahomes and he took it to a pretty careless level. While talking with Peter King, Florio suggested the 49ers “send a message” with some late hits either while he’s near the sideline are already in his slide.

For real.

Florio started off by saying, “I want to be careful here, because I’m not suggesting they try to knock him out of the game. That’s not what I’m saying.”

That is just rich, because he then immediately went to being the opposite of careful:

At a certain point you trade the risk of 15 yards if you can send a message. And football is still a physical, violent game. If you can hit him – even if it’s close to sideline, even if he’s started his slide – when the championship is riding on it I think it’s a different analysis. And yeah, we may give up 15 yards or half the distance to the goal line. I mean, that’s the thing Peter, if somebody had blown up Patrick Mahomes inside the 5, OK, it goes from the 4 to the 2, big deal. So again, I’m not saying that should be part of the deliberate effort but the Super Bowl is riding on it. And if this guy’s going to think he can just run through the defense without any physical consquence, they need to dispel him of that notion the first time he tries.

Hitting quarterbacks is fine and part of the game, but suggesting the 49ers take some late hits to “send a message” is pretty silly and dangerous.

Here’s the video of Florio laying out this game plan:

He later tried to couch it with this:

Which nobody bought:

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