Michigan State continues fall down ESPN’s SP+ College Football Rankings, now no. 40 after U of M loss

Michigan State fell another five spots in the ESPN SP+ College Football Rankings after receiving a beatdown at the hands of Michigan.

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Michigan State Football hasn’t won a football game since late September and their poor play has led to their continued fall from grace in the eyes of the ESPN SP+ College Football Rankings. After their big loss to Michigan on Saturday, they fell five spots down to number 40 overall.

Their defense, which is still respected in the rankings, has finally started to slip and is now ranked down at number 17. The offense is rightfully ranked down at number 84 and perhaps the biggest disappointment of the season is the special teams unit, which is now ranked at 111th out of 130 teams due to continued struggles on both punts and field goals.

Michigan State will try to rebound this Saturday against Rutgers.

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