Michigan football in NFL Wild Card Weekend: stats, snaps and pics

Everything you need to know about former Michigan football players in NFL Wild Card Weekend.

It was a wild Wild Card Weekend for the NFL, and while the field of Wolverines taking part narrowed considerably, a handful of those in the league got to take part.

Three players got starts — Tom Brady, Cesar Ruiz and Donovan Peoples-Jones — while eight former Michigan football players saw the field overall in the first weekend of the postseason.

Four of the eight who participated get to move onto the next week, keeping their Super Bowl hopes alive. With a few other teams entering the fray next weekend, there will be nine former Wolverines available in the second week of postseason play.

Here’s how they all did in Wild Card Weekend, how many snaps they took and pictures for those who managed to get their shots taken in their respective games.

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Stats with pictures