Michael Jordan was outscored just once in a playoff series. No star comes close to that

In the ever-present GOAT debate, LeBron James is going to win for those who care about longevity and those who are under a certain age and Michael Jordan on his greatness at the peak of his powers, as well as for how much winning he did at the highest stage.

For those in the latter group looking for something to support their argument, here’s this research that could help you out: In playoff series’, Jordan (almost) couldn’t be outscored.

It only happened once and narrowly in 1985 in the first-round series between the Milwaukee Bucks and Chicago Bulls, when Terry Cummings, a 23-year-old All-Star at the time, scored 118 points in the series to Jordan’s… 117.

So even with Jordan getting outscored in that one lone series, it happened by a single point.


Below, check out the players with the highest percentage of playoff series in which they were the leading scorer. Jordan is first by a mile.

Note: We only looked at players with at least 10 playoff appearances in their careers.