Memorial Day 2020: 8 fun things to do on the holiday

How to celebrate this weekend.

It may have sneaked up on you given what we’re dealing with right now in the United States, but yes: Monday, May 25, 2020 is Memorial Day.

That may have put a damper on your normal plans during the holiday weekend. Still, the hope is — wherever you are — you can do something to enjoy the time off if you have it.

That’s what this is list is for: some ideas for activities despite the fact that we’re still practicing social distancing and quarantining. Many of them will sound obvious and familiar, but it’s a good time to modify them.

So here’s what we’ve come up with:

1. Grill it up (indoors or outdoors)

If you’re stuck inside, this is where you get creative: use a grill pan or — if you don’t have one — anything else lying around to cook up whatever your traditional Memorial Day feast is. Then, spread out a blanket in your living room, open the windows and enjoy.

If you can get outdoors? I’m taking the advice from UMass Dartmouth Biology Professor Erin Bromage, who told CNN if you’re inviting family or neighbors over, “It’s bring your own food.” So have everyone BYOF and sit distanced from each other.

2. Follow the rules of your local beaches

The state-to-state policies differ, so if you’re intending on going to the beach, check your local laws.

3. Go for a hike

This has been my favorite thing to do during this time.

4. Go for a bike ride


5. Run a virtual race

I’ve seen a few of these around. If you’re used to running, say, a 5K on that Monday, you can challenge yourself and time your run.

6. Do a marathon binge watch

This is my own idea, because I’m a couch potato. Wake up, eat breakfast, and off you go to watch a series you’ve been thinking about tackling. Or you could do a movie marathon with flicks from one of the streaming services like Hulu, Amazon, or Netflix.

7. Enjoy a “live” performance

The New York Times has a good list of what will be live-streaming this weekend.

8. Watch a commemoration

Memorial Day honors those who died serving in the U.S. armed forces. Although some memorials are closed, events like the National D-Day Memorial online commemoration will stream on Monday.

Stay safe!!

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