Meet Arlington Hambright, Colorado’s well-traveled OL prospect

Check out Draft Wire’s exclusive interview with Colorado offensive line prospect Arlington Hambright

If your favorite team is looking for a versatile offensive line prospect in the 2020 NFL draft, Colorado’s Arlington Hambright should be on their radar.

A do-it-all blocker who has traveled a unique and winding road through the college ranks, Hambright recently spoke exclusively with Draft Wire about his experience at the JUCO level, how much interest he’s seeing from NFL teams, and what kind of player he’ll be at the next level.

JM: Your journey to Colorado took you through the JUCO ranks. What was the biggest difference between JUCO and a program like Colorado?

AH: From JUCO, I went to Oklahoma State first. There’s a big difference between JUCO and Division I. The game is a lot faster. Guys are a little bit stronger. There’s a big difference between the strength and conditioning staffs and availability. The knowledge, the resources, there’s just so much more to it in Division I. Guys are definitely working out a lot more. That was probably the biggest part of the transition for me. Once I got used to that, it’s still just football at the end of the day.

(AP Photo/Young Kwak)

JM: You’re a versatile offensive linemen. What position do you think you’ll play at the next level?

AH: I’m happy to play wherever they need me at. I can see myself playing tackle or guard. I’ve played them both. I can see myself getting moved around all over the line really. I’m gonna play wherever they need me to play.

JM: Is there a scheme that you’re more comfortable or experienced playing in?

AH: I’m pretty versatile when it comes to that. I’ve played for multiple offensive coordinators. Going from JUCO to Oklahoma State to Colorado, I’ve seen it all. They all ran different offenses. It really doesn’t matter to me.

JM: Your pro day happened on Wednesday, March 11th. Did you have any private visits or workouts lined up? We understand that the COVID-19 outbreak has likely impacted that, but I’m curious as to which teams you were scheduled to meet with?

AH: I had a few lined up, but a lot of them are getting canceled because of the COVID-19. I definitely had some meetings. Out of respect to the teams, I can’t share that information at this point in time. I will share that the process has been going well for me so far.

JM: How do you handle speed differently from power?

AH: You have to be able to sit down when you’re faced with power. You have to be able to get your hips into it. With speed, you better have fast feet. It’s a combination of both. I believe that I have the skill-set to combat both.

(AP Photo/Young Kwak)

JM: Who are some of the best pass rushers you’ve ever gone up against?

AH: I’ve squared off with some pretty good pass rushers. We actually had a guy at JUCO that really impressed me. His name was Jamie Tago. We were teammates at Garden City CC. He’s a great pass rusher. He really taught me a lot on a daily basis. We made each other better. I would actually say that he was the best pass rusher I’ve ever gone up against.

JM: Do you have a preferred pass set, and do you switch it up throughout the course of a game?

AH: It really just depends on who I’m up against. If it’s a speed rusher, I would alter my set. If he’s a powerful guy and he likes to bull rush a lot, I would change up my set. It just depends. It’s a match-up based thing for me.

JM: What kind of guy is Arlington Hambright going to be at the next level?

AH: Arlington Hambright is gonna be a smart, physical player that’s willing to learn.

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