Matthew Stafford expects big things from ‘ultra-talented’ Joe Noteboom at LT

Matthew Stafford says Joe Noteboom has “looked great in camp” and expects him to have a great season now that he’s locked in at LT

There’s so much excitement about some of the Rams’ newcomers this season, from Allen Robinson and Bobby Wagner to Decobie Durant and Derion Kendrick. While Joe Noteboom isn’t technically a new addition, he is entering his first season as a full-time starter at left tackle.

Since 2017, that’s been Andrew Whitworth’s spot. But it’s Noteboom’s job now, and he has some big shoes to fill. Matthew Stafford isn’t the least bit worried about the switch and actually expects big things from the former third-round pick.

“I know Joe Noteboom is going to come in and play great at a high level,” Stafford said. “He’s ultra-talented. You watch him on tape and it’s pretty impressive. He makes it look really easy.”

This is Noteboom’s first summer focusing solely on left tackle, which is different than past years when he was cross-training at both tackle and guard. That, in Stafford’s mind, should help him improve even more, knowing he doesn’t have to work at a separate position, too.

“He’s looked great in camp,” Stafford added. “I think it’s just one of those deals where he’s gonna settle into his role. We’ve moved him around. I was only here for a year but every time I flip on an old game, he’s at a different spot. He’s kind of got his spot and go out there and work on that craft every single day. Have that love, that dedication for playing in that spot and I think the sky’s the limit for him.”

Noteboom has done a really nice job every time Whitworth has been unavailable, earning a 76.0 overall grade from Pro Football Focus last season. He only allowed one sack in 174 snaps played, looking much more comfortable at left tackle than he did previously at guard.

He may be likely to make the Pro Bowl this year since it’s more or less a popularity contest, but Noteboom should emerge as an above-average left tackle in 2022.