Matisse Thybulle says Tobias Harris has lost his mind in quarantine

The two Sixers players had a fun exchange over the weekend on social media after Harris posted on Instagram.

Philadelphia 76ers rookie Matisse Thybulle had an entertaining back and forth over the weekend with teammate Tobias Harris over his recent activity on social media.

Harris has been posting on Instagram as if the 76ers’ season was still happening as scheduled. On Saturday night, Harris congratulated Thybulle on a career “performance” to help the Sixers pick up the “win” over the Atlanta Hawks.

The post by Harris confused Thybulle since the 76ers, of course, did not play due to the coronavirus outbreak. As Ky Carlin of Sixers Wire captured on Twitter, Thybulle called out Harris for the post and even questioned his sanity during the hiatus from the regular season.

Harris wasted no time responding to his rookie teammate and even called him out for his TikTok videos, which Thybulle has made quite popular recently during the hiatus.

The exchange between Thybulle and Harris was all in good fun and it offered some entertainment for those stuck indoors during the coronavirus outbreak. The Sixers would have played next on Tuesday so we’ll see what kind of post Harris will come up with next.

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