Matisse Thybulle makes TikTok with two of him solving Rubik’s Cube

Philadelphia 76ers rookie Matisse Thybulle is stepping up his TikTok game.

This quarantine has everybody doing different things in order to pass the time. Some are reading books, some are cooking, and some are out here making TikTok videos to entertain themselves.

Philadelphia 76ers rookie Matisse Thybulle has hopped on the TikTok grind in order to entertain himself and the fans and this latest one has shown off his improving skills.

There are now two of Thybulle just hanging out in his living room. While one is trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube, the other is reading. The one trying to solve the cube puts it down saying he can’t do it. The other then put his book down, sprays it with Lysol, and then solves it in rapid time to solve it.

It looks like Thybulle is getting pretty good at these TikTok videos, isn’t he? Whatever works for him to pass the time until we get basketball back in our lives again. [lawrence-related id=30060,30054,30045]