Marvel fans lost their minds after a dark final scene of episode four in ‘The Falcon and The Winter Soldier’

That final scene! Oh my goodness.

This article contains spoilers from the fourth episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. If you don’t want to know what happens, you should leave this article. Like…. right now. Hit exit. Last chance!

John Walker (Wyatt Russell) was completely unhinged in the final moments of the fourth episode, “The Whole World is Watching,” of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

The new Captain America, furious at the death of his friend Lemar Hoskins, killed one of the Flag Smashers with the end of his shield in front of a crowd of people, all of whom were taking video. Walker had been deeply unlikable for much of the show — that’s the point, Russell admitted. But Walker’s decision to kill the Flag Smasher, who wasn’t even responsible for Hoskins’ death, was a deeply dark twist for his character arc. Walker, having taken the super serum, is dangerous and a liability. It’s possible — and probably likely — that this is the end of Walker as Captain America.

Here’s how Marvel fans reacted to seeing the dark final scene.

So now what?

Will Sam challenge John Walker for the mantle of Captain America? Will the U.S. government denounce Walker for his actions?

It should be a gripping finish for the show.

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