Martellus Bennett reveals the harsh realities of football in a brutally honest Twitter thread

So powerful.

We’ve reached the deafening climax of the NFL season, as the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers are set to play in Super Bowl 55 on Sunday in Tampa Bay.

It’s all a bit more subdued this year, seeing as it all takes place in the midst of a pandemic. There won’t be a packed stadium. There won’t be — well, shouldn’t be, at least — lavish parties and blaring concerts to add to the reverie leading up to the game.

It’s still going to be a spectacle, of course. This is the NFL at its most NFL. Yes, there’s a sport being played, but having arrived here, at the final game of the year, there’s somehow even more money to be churned. So it will.

Into this fray stepped former Cowboys, Giants, Bears, Patriots and Packers tight end Martellus Bennett. In a 24-tweet thread sent late Tuesday night, the one-time Super Bowl champion (he caught five passes for 62 yards in Super Bowl LI, or as you probably know it the 28-3 game, to help the Patriots beat the Falcons) shared some of his reflections on how football shapes the men who play it — and how it can impact them for the rest of their lives.

Bennett has previously spoken out against fans dehumanizing players and was a powerful voice in discussions of race in sports last year.

Warning: There’s foul language ahead.

Hold up.

Did you expect Jon Kitna to show up here?

Or Tom Hanks?

Yeah, me neither.

Bennett goes on to discuss the difficulty of finding a path in retirement. We know, from anecdotal stories that reach the public, that many NFL players struggle with mental and physical health issues that they attribute to the game — and that many of them have trouble finding or keeping work as a result of it.

Eventually Bennett steps back and considers the larger question of where football fits and whether the inherent damage it causes is worth it.

Bennett lasted 10 seasons in the NFL, and made nearly $34 million. His brother Michael — who is also outspoken about, well, whatever is on his mind — also had an extended career. He’s seen the sport from many angles.

Martellus points out that he’s not just lathering criticism on the game:

Though these are the thoughts of one particular player, I know they resonate with many who’ve left football and subsequently felt lost. Yes, the NFL has programs in place to try to prepare players for the shock of retirement, and we often hear about former players who ultimately do find success.

But as Bennett points out here, we largely lack the framework for helping athletes navigate the transition because of the unique physical and mental demands of playing football.

We’re lucky that Bennett found the time and clarity to put his struggle into words and help us try to understand.