Luke Walton got a tech for calling a ref a Luka Doncic fan

Luka Doncic has a new fan, apparently.

Luka Doncic is only in his second season in the NBA and is already one of the toughest players to guard in the NBA, so it makes a ton of sense that he’d get a lot of foul calls.

Not to Luke Walton, though. The Sacramento Kings coach got so mad last night at a foul call for Doncic while the Mavericks’ forward was dropping 33 points on his team.

He was so mad about the call he took a technical foul for it. As Doncic was walking up to the foul line, Walton told the second-year star that the ref who made the call was actually a fan of his.

“Give the referee your autograph after the game. He’s a fan of yours.” 

YO. I’m legitimately cracking up at this.

In the ref’s defense, Luka is good! I’m a fan, too. And, to be honest, so are the Kings, probably! It’s just too bad they weren’t big enough fans to draft him.

[jwplayer fGkn6bLV-q2aasYxh]