Lovie Smith on the staying power of his run-heavy offensive scheme

Smith told reporters on Wednesday that, from his perspective, running the ball never truly went out of style

Head coach Lovie Smith hasn’t found success in the win column for the Houston Texans in 2022, but he has managed to pave the way for the team to embrace an exciting throwback offense that emphasizes running the ball effectively. This trend is due, at least in part, to the inconsistent play of quarterback Davis Mills, but to hear Smith tell it, the ground game has always been an integral part of finding sustained success in the NFL.

Speaking to the media on Wednesday, Smith was asked by reporters about the league’s transition to a more balanced offense after more than a decade of pass-heavy schemes being the prevailing trend. His response was typical of an old-school coach, and Smith made it clear that from his perspective, effectively running the ball never went out of style.

“I think the running game has always been a part of winning football,” He said. “Maybe more emphasis is placed on it right now. We know more of the numbers, but there have been great running backs in our game throughout. There’s a group of coaches that have always placed an emphasis on that. I’ve lived in that world all my life, so as far as other trends that are out there, don’t know a lot about them. You need a good running game.

“You need a good passing game. You have to have a personality on what you want your football team to be. Running personality or a passing personality, you start with that. There’s a group of us that starts with the run first. That’s not to say we don’t believe in the pass too. As far as great running backs, there’s a lot of running backs in the hall of fame. The running back has been a part of winning football since the beginning of time and that is never going to change.”

While the Texans are still having issues developing into a multi-dimensional approach on offense, the work being put in for them by rookie running back Dameon Pierce is a compelling reason to stick to the ground game until opposing defenses can prove that they can stop it. The prolific numbers being put up by Pierce have laid the groundwork for Houston’s offense to be a highly competitive unit next season with the right adjustments to their roster and strategy in the coming offseason.