LOOK: Former MSU QB Brian Lewerke ‘Miss him yet?’ billboards appear in Kalamazoo

A series of pro-Brian Lewerke billboards just randomly appeared in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

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Well, this is a weird one. A Michigan State fan, Lucas Whitney, posted photos today of some new billboards that just appeared in Kalamazoo, Michigan off I-94 centered around former MSU quarterback Brian Lewerke.

The billboards feature a ‘Miss him yet?’ campaign around Lewerke, along with some of his achievements and a quote from Mark Dantonio.

The four billboards say:

  • ‘Total Offense Leader’
  • ‘My Most Athletic Quarterback – Mark Dantonio’
  • ‘All-Time Passing Leader’
  • ‘2 Time Bowl MVP’

This is a strange story, as it appears to have been paid for by some fan who was disgruntled by some fans’ lack of appreciation for Lewerke during his time with the Spartans.

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