Lights out! Fighter lands KO punch at the exact second arena’s power goes out

Those of us who watch MMA closely know to expect the unexpected – but perhaps not THIS unexpected.

Those of us who watch MMA closely know to expect the unexpected.

Shocking moments aren’t few and far between in this sport, so much so, we sometimes become numb to the surprise factor. But when something like what happened March 13 in Orlando, Fla., comes along, it’ll stun even the most seasoned MMA viewer.

Combat Night Pro 20 took place at Caribe Royale and featured a card full of the Southeast’s best professional regional talent. However, it was two-fight amateur [autotag]Kathleen Nelson[/autotag] who stole the show against [autotag]Laura Dotter[/autotag].

As she sought the knockout blow, Nelson connected with a hard right hand, hidden behind a left jab. Dotter was staggered upon impact, but before she hit the ground, something improbable happened. Seconds – if not milliseconds – after Nelson landed the finishing punch, the lights in the arena went out.

If you showed the video above to someone who didn’t know better, they might think there was some sort of dramatic editing effect added to show a fighter can knock her opponent’s lights out. But nope, they really freaking went out. What are the odds?

In MMA, there are almost no anomalies. Situations we’ve seen will likely happen again. This one, however, may withstand the tests of time. So if you do nothing else, Kathleen Nelson, you have a highlight for eternity.

P.S. I think Nelson has to change her nickname to “Lights Out” now, right? It has to happen. There will be no cooler way to get your nickname than this one – at least I don’t think.

Here’s another angle of the finish for you non-believers:

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