LeBron James uses hat, post-game media conference to call for Breonna Taylor justice

“A woman who had a bright future and her life was taken away from her.”

LeBron James joined other NBA players including Philadelphia 76ers forward Tobias Harris and the Denver Nuggets’ Jerami Grant in making sure the focus on social justice isn’t lost as the postseason begins.

Both Harris and Grant used some of their time with reporters earlier in their time in the NBA bubble to talk about justice for Breonna Taylor.

James took it a step further on Monday by wearing a red hat with “Make America Great Again” crossed out and replaced with another message: “Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor.”

“You know the situation that is going on in Louisville, Kentucky, an innocent woman being killed, by the name of Breonna Taylor,” he told reporters after a Game 1 loss to the Portland Trail Blazers. “A woman who had a bright future and her life was taken away from her. And there’s been no arrests, there’s been no justice, not only for her, but for her family. We continue to shed light on that situation. It’s just unjust.”

He also wore a t-shirt that read, “By any means.”

Other members of the team wore the hats as well:

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