LeBron James speaks on the GOAT debate between him and Michael Jordan

Come on, Bron.

The very second that LeBron James won his fourth NBA championship with the Los Angeles Lakers, you knew the GOAT debates would flare up again.

People can’t help but debate who the greatest basketball player of all-time is. LeBron James’ resume speaks for itself — he certainly had a compelling case before this championship. This new title just strengthens it.

But Michael Jordan is, well, Michael Jordan. He’s always been the greatest. He’s statistically one of the most efficient scorers ever andhis 6-0 record in the NBA finals speaks for itself. Plus, his sneakers are dope which always earns a few extra points from me.

Still, though. The debate is closer than it’s ever been and everyone has a different answer. Speaking of LeBron James, he finally gave us his. And, uh, it really wasn’t much of one at all.

James has an opinion, but he’s not going to let us in on it. Instead, he’s leaving it up to us to decide.

“The debates can happen. Y’all can talk about it. I’ll talk about it with my guys when we at home, our friends and all that stuff. But I’m not going to give it to y’all. I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to fall for it. You guys know how much I love Michael Jordan. I wear the number 23 because of Michael Jordan. When I first got my first pair of Jordans, you couldn’t tell me nothing. So, y’all can do the debates. Y’all can figure that out.” 

Welp. There you have it. LeBron always knows exactly what to say. We’re not getting an answer out of him — at least not yet.

Quick, somebody get Michael Jordan on the line. I’d bet he has a lot to say about this one.