LeBron James says spending 24/7 time with family is ‘a blessing’

Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James told reporters on Wednesday that he’s glad he gets to spend so much time with his family.

Among the ways in which LeBron James is spending his time, between putting himself through rigorous workouts in his home gym or joining his kids on TikTok, one of the things that James has been working on, he told reporters in a Zoom conference call on Wednesday, is expressing gratitude for what he has in his life while also increasing his meditation practice, according to our own Mark Medina of USA TODAY.

To keep himself inspired, James has adhered to a strict routine. He goes to sleep using the Calm App, which plays uplifting stories and inspiring music. He wakes up feeling invigorated because he sees his sons (Bronny, Bryce) and daughter (Zhuri) have what he calls “a positive mindframe.” After eating, practice and training, James has kept himself engaged in other ways. He will meditate for 10-minute intervals. He will complete breathing exercises. He will express gratitude for his various accomplishments and fortunes. He then enjoys free time with his loved ones.

“It’s definitely been a bit of a blessing to be able to be here 24/7 and be here with your family,” James said. “And being able to – I don’t want to say ‘recoup’ the time, because that’s one thing you cannot do. Time waits for no man and you can’t do that. But to be able to appreciate it and be in this moment, it’s been pretty cool. Even though I’ve missed the game of basketball like none other.”

During a time where it’s hard for people to take themselves out of their own situation, expressing gratitude for what is going well is a positive way to deal with the circumstances. Obviously, LeBron misses basketball and it’s hard to blame after the season he had in Year 17, but he knows that he’s getting a chance to do things that he wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.

LeBron is trying to stay positive, as is the rest of the league when it comes to hoping there is some type of way to salvage the 2020 season and eventually crown a 2020 NBA Champion. After missing the playoffs in 2019 for the first time since 2006, James was primed to show what he could do during his first career appearance in the Western Conference playoffs.

Both James and Lakers president Rob Pelinka, as well as several other players and decision-makers, have also expressed their hopes to keep the possibilities open when it comes to figuring out some way to close out the season, without live fans in attendance.

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