LeBron James says ‘no more high-fives’ after coronavirus outbreak

Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James says he’s done with high-fives after the global pandemic of coronavirus has hit.

LeBron James and his brand of basketball have become synonymous with many things. Amazing dunks, beautiful passes to open shooters exactly where they need it, chase-down blocks and tough shots to quiet down opposing crowds. But another thing that LeBron’s teams have always been known for is his intricate and expressive handshakes that are individualized to almost every teammate he’s had over the years.

Ever since his first stint in Cleveland, LeBron and several teammates have had special handshakes that he executes down the line before each game. However, the coronavirus pandemic and its ability to spread amongst people is leading to LeBron Handshake Reform. James told the Road Trippin’ podcast that he will no longer do high-fives and that his teammates will have some new handshakes that will presumably include social distancing.

James has always been a big fan of handshakes and team activities where everyone joins together in close quarters. While they will presumably still have to do that in the locker rooms, James is keen on not creating any extra exposure that is unnecessary amidst the spread of a global pandemic.

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