LB Jerome Baker dishes on favorite part of playing for Brian Flores

LB Jerome Baker dishes on favorite part of playing for Brian Flores

How does Jerome Baker fancy having Brian Flores as his coach? Who was Baker’s inspiration and role model in playing linebacker? What is his favorite thing about Miami?

These are just some of the topics Miami Dolphins LB Jerome Baker tackled during a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session — effectively a fan question & answer thread that allowed Baker to connect directly with fans who opted to literally ask him anything.

If you missed the thread, you can find it below and read all of your questions for yourself — but we will be tackling some of the highlights here as well.

I am Dolphins LB Jerome Baker. AMA! from miamidolphins

Perhaps the most relevant question came from a fan who asked what it was like to have Coach Flores serving as his head coach as compared to some of his other coaches. Here’s what Baker had to say on Flores’ behalf:

“Coach Flo is a unique coach. What I mean by that is he learns you the players and he tries in any way to get you to play at the maximum level. If it’s challenging you with words, if it’s challenging you mentally. He does everything to get you to be the best player you can be. He does a great job establishing trust with guys. Once you establish that you can really push guys to their limits so they can be their best. I really appreciate that about Flo. He does a great job with that.” – Jerome Baker

What makes this insight from Baker so interesting is when you contrast it to the point of view and perspective of former Dolphins DB Minkah Fitzpatrick, who made waves yesterday after his most recent telling of how he ended up leaving the Dolphins last September. And, based on the words of Baker, the words of Fitzpatrick and the actions of both men, one reasonable conclusion to be drawn is that Baker rose to the challenges Flores posed to him individually — and seems to be better because of it. Fitzpatrick on the other hand? He seemingly decided he couldn’t be bothered to be challenged and only wanted to play the game the way he felt was best.

So be it.

Baker also gave a good amount of love to a former Pittsburgh Steeler, linebacker Ryan Shazier. Baker was asked who he looked up to:

“I think the one person I really looked up to and really got me to really play linebacker honestly was Ryan Shazier. It was weird because in high school I played RB. That was my main focus. I played defense because we didn’t have enough guys to play. I went to go watch him play when I was recruited by Ohio State. It was one game they played Indiana in 2013 or 2014, it was a cold, slushy, snow type of game and he had on this oversized long sleeved and it was so windy you could see it blowing in the wind. All the recruits left because it was too cold outside so they just went up to the boxed seats they had for us and I stayed to watch and I was just in such awe of this guy who was just running sideline to sideline…he ended up getting like 20 tackles or something like that. And since that day I was like, I want to play linebacker. I got to talk to him, I still talk to him. I modeled my game after him. I think he was the one guy who I really owe as to why I play linebacker.”

Dolphins fans owe Shazier for the inspiration too, as Baker is a promising young staple for the team’s defensive unit and figures to play with more consistency with better pieces around him on defense. And maybe, with some luck, Miami can play some cold weather games in January this year and Baker can show off that same mental toughness that Shazier inspired him with all those years ago.