Latest B/R trade proposal has Nets acquiring Buddy Hield for core piece

Bleacher Report continues to propose trade ideas for the Brooklyn Nets that involve one of their young core players.

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If the Nets don’t feel Jarrett Allen is part of the solution in Brooklyn, then this offseason may be the time to move on from the young big man. But that seems like a big “if.”

Yet, Blecher Report continues to include Allen’s name in their trade ideas that involve the Nets, the latest being a potential move between Brooklyn and the Sacramento Kings.

Grant Hughes of Bleacher Report proposed the Kings send Buddy Hield to Brooklyn in exchange for Jarrett Allen, Rodions Kurucs and Taurean Prince. Additionally, the Nets would get a 2022 second-round pick.

While adding a sharpshooter helps Brooklyn, this move is only great for the Nets if Joe Harris doesn’t stick around.

Brooklyn’s going to have a tough time finding another big who can protect the pain like Allen. And while Hield is an offensive upgrade as compared to Prince, the forward brings much more on the defensive end.

The Nets need perimeter shooting, but having wing defenders will also be important. Remember, Steve Nash has expressed that his focus right now is more on the defensive end — he knows the offense will come with this roster.

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