Lane Kiffin’s very good dog Juice retrieved the kickoff tee during Ole Miss’ home opener

Juice Kiffin the dog is a very, very good boy.

On a day full of outstanding football plays, none stood out more than a very good boy going to retrieve a kickoff tee during Ole Miss’ 73-7 home victory against Mercer on Saturday.

Yes, it would be Juice Kiffin the yellow Labrador Retriever, a wonderful dog that just so happens to belong to Ole Miss coach Lane Kiffin, that retrieved the tee at midfield and brought it back to the sideline like the bestest boy he is.

This is the kind of performance that should get him in pads and on the field like Buddy the dog in the film Air Bud: Golden Receiver, where the dog gets to play little league football with humans because why not.

To make this even cooler, Juice Kiffin comes from the prestigious Wildrose Kennels in Mississippi, which makes the good boy very adept to retrieve things.

This is A+ dog fetching, and hopefully Juice Kiffin got plenty of cookies on the sideline for being such an amazingly good boy.

Like, seriously, what a great dog. Good Juice! Good Juice!