LaMarcus Aldridge’s message after sudden retirement is one we should all listen to

Salute to Aldridge for doing what is best for himself and his loved ones.

After nearly fifteen seasons and seven All-Star appearances, LaMarcus Aldridge announced on Thursday that he is experiencing an irregular heartbeat and that he has retired from the NBA. His decision served as yet another reminder that health comes first and sports may need to take a backseat, even if we were not yet ready to say goodbye.

Aldridge, who was the No. 2 overall pick in the 2006 NBA draft, has dealt with heart-related issues since his rookie season. But because his condition largely did not interfere with his playing career, the stunning news sent a shock wave around the league.

We saw a similar situation when fellow Dallas-born big man Chris Bosh, who last played an NBA game in 2016, had to walk away from the game because he was suffering from blood clots.

There is nothing easy about having to end your career when you still have you still have more to give the game.

But as Aldridge said in his letter, for fifteen years, he has put basketball first. Now, he feels, it is time to prioritize his health and his family. Salute to Aldridge for doing what is best for himself and his loved ones.

Aldridge described the irregular heartbeat he recently endured as one of the “scariest things” he has ever experienced. Speaking myself as someone who was born with a heart murmur and required open-heart surgery when I was a kid, my family and I can attest to how terrifying that particular scare can be.

I am privileged and thankful to say that everything was successful and has been under control with my own health. But even now, already decades after the operation, when my heartbeat speeds up even a little bit my mind races to the darkest corners.

As someone who also has a heart condition, I can still only imagine how intense it would be to play professional sports at the highest level with those anxieties looming in the background. The heart is simply not an organ to mess around with.

Aldridge never got a chance to realize his ultimate goal of winning a championship, and perhaps he could have with the Brooklyn Nets. But in the scheme of things, that is far from important.

Hopefully, instead, his decision to step away while he still had more in the tank can inspire these two simple things.

First, if this serves as a gentle suggestion to see the doctor for a check-up if you are able, it wouldn’t be the worst idea. I still feel very lucky that my doctor was able to diagnose my condition and my heart murmur did not go undetected.

We all feel invincible and that it couldn’t happen to us but it can only be helpful for all of us to check under the hood and make sure that everything is running okay, especially if you have any symptoms you might be worried about.

Time and time again, we have seen that routine visits to the doctor can be overwhelmingly helpful for our long-term health. Earlier this season, Indiana Pacers wing Caris LeVert had his health saved due to a physical after he was included in the James Harden trade.

But also, as Aldridge penned, this can encourage us to appreciate what we have in front of us on a daily basis. This kind of mindfulness and gratitude may not come naturally, it certainly doesn’t always feel natural for me, but it can have huge benefits.

Aldridge did not know he was stepping on an NBA floor for the last time as a professional basketball player when he faced the Los Angeles Lakers at Barclay’s Center on April 10. But everything can be taken away from us sooner than we ever expected, so holding onto it with love while we have it adds tremendous value.

As the 35-year-old wrote in his retirement letter: “You never know when something will come to an end, so make sure you enjoy it every day.”

Fortunately, the five-time All-NBA big said that is exactly what he was able to do while he enjoyed his professional career.

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