Lamar Jackson offers support for ex-Giant Travis Rudolph

Baltimore Ravens QB Lamar Jackson offered up his support for ex-New York Giants WR Travis Rudolph, who is currently on trial for murder.

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The murder trial of former New York Giants wide receiver Travis Rudolph began earlier this month.

Rudolph was arrested in April of 2021 and charged with first-degree murder and three counts of first-degree attempted murder following a shooting at a Florida residence.

The incident occurred after Rudolph and his then-girlfriend, Dominique Jones, got into an argument. Hours later, a group of four men allegedly showed up at his family’s Lake Park residence and confronted Rudolph, who claims one then brandished a firearm and told him he was going to “die.”

Claiming he feared for his life, Rudolph retreated into the home, grabbed a rifle, and then fired at the men who police claim were driving away from the residence at the time. After firing nearly 40 rounds, Sebastion Jean-Jacques was left deceased.

Rudolph attempted to invoke Florida’s “stand your ground” law but that was rejected by Circuit Judge Jeffrey Gillen.

With an eye on the trial, Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson offered up his support for Rudolph on Monday night.

Rudolph’s trial will continue this week and may conclude with a jury decision. If convicted, the 27-year-old is facing life in prison.

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