Kyler Murray played a hilarious game of ‘Walk Ball’ with DeAndre Hopkins and Hollywood Brown

The most intense game, at a casual pace, you’ll ever see!

On paper, the Cardinals have one of the best quarterback-receiver trios in the NFL. Between two-time Pro Bowler Kyler Murray, perennial All-Pro DeAndre Hopkins, and an electric speedster like Marquise “Hollywood” Brown — there’s certainly a lot to work with in Arizona. Even with the controversy surrounding Murray this offseason, the Cardinals still have a ton of talent at the skill positions. (Note: Hopkins is currently suspended for the first six games of the 2022 season for violating the performance-enhancing drug policy.)

On Thursday, this talented Cardinals trio decided to change things up in a break before their final exhibition against the Titans in Nashville this weekend.

Murray, Hopkins, and Brown played a friendly game of “Walk Ball.” In case you’re unfamiliar, Walk Ball is when you go through the motions of a quarterback-receiver connection, but you don’t run. You can only walk.

Don’t worry; the Cardinals made it look a lot more fun than it has any reason to be:

If my math is correct from this clip:

  • Murray plays receiver and beats Hopkins in coverage once and …
  • Brown plays receiver and beats Murray in coverage twice 

That would make the unofficial final score of this Walk Ball game: Brown 2, Murray 1, Hopkins 0

Of course, while he doesn’t run, Brown does speed a little bit, almost as if he’s “race-walking.” However, I’m no expert on Walk Ball rules, so we’ll still have to give the win to Brown.