Kyler Murray offers classy response to the fan who struck him during Cardinals’ celebration

Taking the high road.

The mood around the Arizona Cardinals’ thrilling overtime victory over the Raiders was briefly soured this past weekend when footage showed a fan striking quarterback Kyler Murray in the face during the celebration. In the time since the video made rounds on social media, Las Vegas Police has said it is investigating the incident, and head coach Kliff Kingsbury called for the fan to be banned from NFL games.

Murray, though, appears to be taking a much different tone after a few days to reflect on the ordeal.

Speaking to reporters in Arizona on Wednesday, Murray said that he had no hard feelings towards the fan who hit him. And while he didn’t appreciate the physical contact (and clearly looked upset at the time), Murray said that he would shake the fan’s hand if the two ever met.

Murray said:

“Stuff happens fast. … I don’t know if he probably didn’t know where he was. I don’t know — it was a pretty live game. Vegas is Vegas. I’m sure he was having fun. But! Again, I don’t know. I don’t think any player should be getting touched in that manner, but no hard feelings towards the guy. If I see him, I’d shake his hand. But it is what it is.”

Obviously, the fan should be held accountable and doesn’t deserve to attend any future NFL games if they determine he intentionally struck Murray. But at the same time, it was a nice gesture from Murray to be willing to move on from the incident and offer some forgiveness.

Fans also appreciated how Murray is handling the situation.