Kevin Stefanski releases statements on all new Browns hires

The Browns have filled out their offensive staff with Ken Dorsey, Duce Staley, and more. Here is what Kevin Stefanski had to say…

After hiring Ken Dorsey as his new offensive coordinator, Duce Staley has his new running backs coach, and more, Kevin Stefanski provided quotes to each of the new members of his staff with the Cleveland Browns.

Overhauling his offensive staff, former offensive coordinator Alex Van Pelt was dismissed and has now landed with the New England Patriots. Staley has replaced Stump Mitchell as running backs coach, and T.C. McCartney was replaced with Tommy Rees as the tight ends coach (who was also given the passing game specialist title).

They made one change on the defensive side of the ball as well, bringing in Jacques Cesaire as their new defensive line coach.

The Browns have officially announced those hires now, and the head coach provided quotes on each of the new members of his staff. Here is what Stefanski had to say about his new offensive coordinator and the other three hires made to his staff.