“One of us! One of us!”
It’s a common refrain from Cleveland fans when finding someone who gets what it’s like to be a sports fan from the city, or embracing the uniqueness that being from Northeast Ohio imprints upon us. It’s high praise that is not easily earned. Browns coach Kevin Stefanski has safely proven he’s worthy.
He’s “one of us.” Witness his statement about watching Sunday night’s incredible win from the anxious setting of his basement instead of being on the sidelines.
The detachment, the lack of control over the events unfolding, the unbelievable swing in momentum from the 28-0 first quarter lead through the Steelers closing the gap to 35-23 and looking like they could pull off the miracle comeback, Stefanski felt it all through a fan’s eye on Sunday night.
“I have a newfound respect for our fans,” Stefanski said in a Monday Zoom session with reporters.
He related another “one of us” moment in talking about a moment of television naivete.
“My feed for whatever reason, I must have hit pause or something, was about 45 seconds behind,” Stefanski said with a smile. “So I heard my kids going crazy upstairs. I had an inkling something good was going to happen on that first play.”
Perhaps the Progressive “Dr. Rick” commercials he probably saw for the first time made an impact. Stefanski admitted, “It’s not something I plan on doing again,” when asked about the experience of being away from his time while they’re playing.