Kevin Pillar made an epic clubhouse appearance a day after taking a pitch to the face

“Am I in the lineup today or what?”

Monday night’s game between National League East rivals Mets and Braves took a terrifying turn when New York outfielder Kevin Pillar took a 94 mph fastball to the face from Jacob Webb.

Despite blood pouring down from his face, Pillar would leave the field under his own power and tweet that he was OK that night. Pillar would later get diagnosed with multiple nasal fractures and remained in Atlanta to see a specialist.

Well, with the Mets and Braves set for the second game of the series, Pillar made a point to drop by the clubhouse to lift the spirits of his teammates. It’s safe to say that it worked.

Mets pitcher Marcus Stroman described the scene in the Mets clubhouse on Tuesday.

“Am I in the lineup today or what,” Pillar evidently asked to the delight of his teammates.

On the flip side, the Braves’ Webb was clearly shaken about hitting Pillar in the face — an obvious accident — and he reached out to the Mets outfielder to send his best wishes. Pillar responded that he was fine and joked he would have been in the lineup if he could see out of his right eye.

Just awesome.

Let’s hope Pillar makes a speedy recovery.